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Think, laugh, change

From to Walt Disney Animation, from high school assemblies to international symposia, my talks inspire and challenge audiences through humor and thought-provoking analysis.


I specialize in helping people see sensitive issues clearly, using analogies, personal stories, and references to popular culture in surprising ways. My candor and confidence make topics like racism, sexism, privilege, and diversity accessible—even to those who sometimes struggle with defensiveness or guilt.


Reach out and learn how I can speak, facilitate, or join a panel to bring my unique perspective to your event.

TEDxBeaconStreet talks
How Movies
Teach Manhood

My first TEDxBeaconStreet talk on the hidden meanings of kids' movies is among the most popular TEDx talks ever. It was posted on the homepage of (along with a blog post), included in eight playlists (including "How masculinity is evolving" and "Talks that explain difficult topics to kids"), translated into 37 languages, featured on Upworthy and in the Ban Bossy campaign by Lean In and the Girl Scouts of America, and taught in high schools and colleges worldwide. 

Enough With The
Hero's Journey Already

My second TED talk, also called "Why is Hollywood so white?", asks whether Joseph Campbell's "Hero's Journey," at least in the form we see it in popular entertainment, is really a guide for a good life. It was included in the playlist "Smart ways to think about racism and injustice in the U.S. today."

White Lies We
Tell Our Children

In my third TED talk, I follow the questions about white male overrepresentation in our society to their logical conclusion: to what extent have I absorbed the myth of privilege? What is my responsibility as the parent of white children to tell them the truth? This talk inspired a blog post on Raising Race-Conscious Children.

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